Dan Barlow's Webpage

I currently use Inkscape for vector graphics. I have also used and taught Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint and Corel DRAW, and have learned other vector editors.

I include the following processes in Vector Graphics:

  • Diagramming: Any tools such as PowerPoint, Visio, OpenOffice Impress, and Word that use vectors to express relationships and processes
  • Embellishment: Tools such as WordArt and Excel graphs that use vectors to add explanatory or artistic content
  • CAD/CAM: Expressing design elements, tool paths
  • Artistic: Creating vectors to describe an image element
  • Animation: Object and camera motion paths can be expressed as a spacetime vector

I have used vector graphics in many contexts because they are often both more accurate and more easily controlled than pixel graphics.

I have the ability to transform pixel graphics into a vector representation, and then into CNC tool paths to create a physical object.

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